Civic Excursion

Notes from the City Hall Meeting

The most important and controversial issue presented in this city hall meeting was the addition of a protected clause that would give homosexuals the right to sue an employer for being harassed, fired, or given any sort of special treatment due to his/her sexual orientation. The issue was presented by councilman Ed Shadid. 

Ed Shadid's points were a bit confusing and weak. He did not present many facts and figures, but instead used Biblical references. I believe that this did not strengthen his argument. He mentioned how Jesus did not discriminate against a prostitute, and somehow that was suppose to support his argument.

Councilman representing Ward 8 was offended and that Ed Shadid was saying that Oklahoma is evil and has wronged the gay population and that that is untrue. He continued by saying that there is nothing Oklahoma is doing that violates anyone's rights. He said that he wants actual facts and figures about how many people are affected by sexual orientation not being a protected clause. He mentioned that Ed Shadid did not share the background nor the circumstances nor the policies regarding this issue. He said don't twist the facts or history and then began mentioning something about slavery.  He is against adding this policy.

Another councilman tried to clarify information about the policy for everyone by asking and answering a number of questions he believed were unanswered by the previous speakers.

What is the current legal status of the homosexual class?
Sexual orientation is not a protected clause.

What is the problem in Oklahoma that we are trying to solve?
Current city policies do not exist to protect the rights of homosexuals.

What is the current condition of Oklahoma?
76 percent believe Oklahoma is moving in the right direction.
Current policies have a positive impact on this fact.

He concluded by stating that from his research, his decision is to vote against this policy.

Another councilman was disappointment in the councilman from Ward 8. He supported Ed Shadid, but also has a great deal of respect towards his colleagues.

He also mentioned that he got very nice letters from his ward whom want him to vote for this. He said it is not about his personal opinion, but what his people want.

The councilman from Ward 8 then asked the representative some questions about the current policies.

Robert Lemmon was a speaker from the audience who wanted to share his views on the issue. This is a summary of what he said:
I love my gay children and my straight children equally.
He is totally convinced that there is nothing wrong with homosexual people. 

He is very pro gay, and has many close friends who are gays.
He concluded by praying to god that one day everyone will respect all of god's children equally, not just some of them, but all of them.

We also talked with Governor Mary Fallin's assistant. We learned that she reads all of the emails that people send Mary Fallin. She shared with us the importance of PR skills which included writing a good press release. 

We also talked with State Representative Jeannie McDaniels. She shared with us her position on education, affirmative action, and immigration. For education, she believed that Americans are not that far below on education as everyone tends to believe, and that good teachers are important for academic success. Regarding affirmative action, she was for it because she doesn't think Oklahoma is that great yet that we can not have affirmative action programs. About immigration, she believed that America is the land of opportunity and that as long as the immigrants aren't criminals, she sees no harm in them being here.

And then we talked to some media people at the State Capital. One was on the associated press. They all answered our questions about media's affect on politics and how media affects legislatures and policies. 

And that was our Government Civic Excursion Day! Thank you so much Teacher Lobna and Muneer Awad for making this day possible and the best. I really learned a lot about the government and why it is so important to get involved in our communities. 

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